This adventure begins early leaving the city of Cusco until reaching the town of Pitumarca, two hours away. trip, where we will have breakfast, then we continue for another hour with the trip by trail arriving at the sector of Pampa Chiri where we begin a walk of approximately 2:30 to 3 hours, where we can observe the landscape, a option where we can continue on horseback. To return we use the same route, we will enjoy a delicious lunch in the town of Pitumarca to start the return trip to the city of Cusco.
05:00 hrs a 16:00 hrs
Approximate duration: 10 to 11 hours
Available from Monday to Sunday.
Tourist transport.
Official tourist guide.
Pre-tour information.
Bring a camera or use your mobile.
Use a jacket or sweater.
That you apply sunscreen.
Use sunglasses.
Use a cap or hat
Bring an umbrella or raincoat (The
The rainy season begins in November and
ends in April, being only approximate) .
Bring extra money in local currency.
The route may vary according to the
traveler experience.
“Excelente servicio por parte de la agencia, en especial de Christian el mejor guía turístico que he tenido hasta ahora. Servicio 5 ⭐”
“Excelentes guías, comunicación y los tours muy buenos. Definitivamente los volveré a contactar!.”
“Hicimos el tours moray y sal de maras, y fue extraordinario. excelente servicio al momento del recojo del hotel, las cuatrimotos en buen estado.”